Keep Going, Keep Growing: Pollinator-Themed Activities for Parents and Kids!
1) Try some of these fun and creative pollinator-themed activities by Crayola Canada!

2) Take your kids on a pollinator-themed scavenger hunt around the yard! For more advanced pollinator enthusiasts, look for different pollinators in your garden and learn how to ID them by downloading the Insight Science App. Click HERE to download the app!
3) Are your kids in grades 3-6? Learn all about the different pollinators and the services they provide with Nature's Partners Comprehensive Pollinator Curriculum HERE!
4) Who are the pollinators? What can you do to protect them? How can you get involved in pollinator conservation? Anthony Colangelo, Pollinator Partnership's Pollinator Stewardship and Communications Coordinator, will cover all this in his talk as he tells the story of the incredible world of bees, bats, birds, butterflies, moths, wasps, and flies, and the important services these pollinators provide for the planet. In his talk, Anthony will also explain a few of the fantastic programs Pollinator Partnership has to offer for parents and kids that are fun, educational, and beneficial to pollinators!
5) Stuck in the house and searching for the next thing for the kids? Jump in the car and tool around (safely) while playing the podcast Planet Ant from the Pollinator Partnership. It's designed to be played in the car and teaches a lot of ant stuff that will amaze and amuse both the little and the parental passengers. Yes, spring is here and the ants are coming for a visit! Listen HERE!
6) Pollinator Planting Guides: This is the perfect time to teach your kids about the art of gardening and the enjoyment of planting for pollinators, such as the beautiful monarch butterfly! Click HERE for guides!
7) Pollinator Partnership Learning Center Education: Looking for curriculum, educational tools, activities, and fun facts about monarchs, gardening, and other pollinators? We've got a whole list of resources to help you put together a fun day of learning for your kids! Click HERE!
8) Bee Smart School Garden and Curriculum Kit: Cultivate learning about monarchs and other pollinators by creating your own garden learning area! The Bee Smart School Garden Kit includes 10 lesson plans, worksheets, tests, and materials for the included activities. This kit is perfect for school administrators, educators, teachers, garden coordinators, and parents for use with students in grades 3 to 6. Click HERE!
9) Pollinator Activities: Discover fun ways kids can learn about the importance of pollinators! Resources here include: bloom bingo, crossword puzzles, word problems, and other fun activities. Click HERE!
10) Pollinator Week: Join the international celebration of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators this June! Now is the perfect time to learn and teach your kids about the importance of pollinators and use P2's toolkit, facts, and activities to plan your celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles. Click HERE!
11) Practice food chemistry and life skills at your in-home classroom by creating these tasty pollinator reliant dessert or main dish recipes! They're a delicious way to connect the importance of pollinator conservation to our daily lives. Check out this delicious cranberry-chocolate tart recipe. Click HERE!