La mission de Bee City Canada, en tant qu'initiative de Pollinator Partnership Canada, est de reconnaître et de soutenir les municipalités, les communautés autochtones, les campus, et les écoles qui prennent des mesures pour protéger et promouvoir les pollinisateurs.

The Bee City Canada program is a set of commitments, defined in a resolution and adopted by member municipalities and Indigenous communities, that guides communities to create pollinator habitat.
By becoming a designated Bee City, Bee School, Bee City Campus or Bee City Partner, members join a community of practitioners whose pollinator conservation efforts are recognized and championed.
Bee City Canada began in 2016, inspired by the belief that municipalities can become champions for pollinators across Canada and modeled after the successful Bee City USA initiative. The program's promise was immediately recognized when in March 2016, Toronto City Council voted unanimously to become the first Bee City in Canada. Bee City Canada grew rapidly from an inspired belief into a large and passionate community, soon welcoming not only municipalities, but also Indigenous Communities, campuses, schools, and other organizations.
Members of the Bee City Canada program commit to protecting and promoting pollinators through habitat creation and management, community education and engagement, and celebrating pollinators during Pollinator Week (the third week of June).
As of 2024, Bee City Canada has more than 190 members from coast to coast, making clear that their message has resonated with Canadians and that communities across the country are prepared to take action to protect and promote pollinators.
Pollinator Partnership Canada is delighted to incorporate Bee City Canada as a signature program. Building on a solid foundation, this change will allow us to deepen our work with municipalities and land managers, and foster a Canadian network of municipal expertise in pollinator conservation.
Want your hometown to be our next Bee City? Visit the City, School, Campus or Partner program pages for more information.
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