Discover what've achieved in 2024 thanks to your support! This past year we grew, acted, and progressed toward our goal of protecting and promoting pollinators across Canada. In this report, you'll read about this year's highlights and successes and how we collaborated together for pollinator conservation.

Download our 2024 Annual Report for updates on new programs and resources, and to learn more about another successful year of pollinator conservation at Pollinator Partnership Canada.

Discover Our Previous Reports

In a decade, we've achieved tremendous progress in pollinator conservation, yet the journey has just begun. As we have grown, so has the need to protect and support pollinators. Habitat is still lost at an alarming rate, climate change continues, and we are facing a future of uncertainty for plant-pollinator linkages.

Over the next 10 years, we will remain dedicated to supporting the complex and diverse lives of pollinators. Join us in the mission to secure our interconnected futures, and make the world a more just and sustainable place for creatures large and small. Just as they have taken care of us, we promise to take care of them.

Download our 2023 Annual Report for updates on new programs and resources, and to learn more about another successful year of pollinator conservation at Pollinator Partnership Canada.

Support Our Conservation Programs

Your support helps us help pollinators, and even a small monthly donation can make all the difference.

Pollinators face ongoing challenges from climate change, habitat loss, pesticides, and pollutants. Thanks to your support and generosity, we are able to take action -- creating habitat, supporting communities in their efforts to revive ecosystems, and education youth to grow into mindful stewards of the Earth.
Thank you for another impactful year!

Pollinator Partnership Canada (P2C) is a registered charity dedicated to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems through conservation, education, and research.