Notre équipe

Pollinator Partnership Canada (P2C) est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré dédié à la protection et à la valorisation des pollinisateurs et de leurs écosystèmes par la conservation, l'éducation et la recherche.

Notre équipe


Vicki Wojcik, ph.D.


Vicki est engagée pour la protection et la valorisation des pollinisateurs avec Pollinator Partnership depuis 2011. En tant que directrice, elle supervise la recherche et les programmes de Pollinator Parthership Canada (P2C), en suivant de près l’actualité relative aux problématiques concernant les pollinisateurs. Elle est également responsable des différents programmes visant à la conservation des habitats des pollinisateurs et à l’évaluation de la gestion des paysages, la compréhension et le développement des agroécosystèmes, la révision des politiques régissant l’utilisation des sols et l’usage de pesticides, le soutien aux espèces menacées et l'évaluation des services écosystémiques au Canada. Vicki a rejoint l'équipe de San Francisco après avoir obtenu son doctorat en sciences, politiques et gestion de l'environnement à l'université de Berkeley. Puis, en 2015, elle est rentrée chez elle à Toronto pour fonder Pollinator Partnership Canada. Son intérêt pour les pollinisateurs a pris forme au cours de ses études de premier cycle à l'université de Guelph et il s’est poursuivi avec ses recherches de troisième cycle dédiées à la compréhension de la façon dont les abeilles indigènes utilisent les jardins et les habitats disponibles dans les villes. L’engouement de Vicki pour les pollinisateurs dans les paysages dominés par l'homme n’a cessé de grandir tout au long de sa carrière. Ses contributions à la recherche et à la conservation des pollinisateurs se traduisent par de nombreux articles évalués par ses pairs, des chapitres de livres, des documents politiques, des guides de plantation et des manuels techniques. Pour Vicki, citadine depuis l’enfance, le plein air a toujours été son lieu de prédilection. Elle pratique avec plaisir le ski, la voile, la randonnée, et saisit chaque occasion qui s’offre à elle pour sortir de la ville.

Anthony Colangelo


Anthony Colangelo est passionné de biologie et il passe la plupart de son temps à admirer et à photographier les oiseaux et les insectes locaux. Il a obtenu sa licence en biologie à l'université Queen's, et a notamment mené, au cours de son premier cycle, des recherches intéressantes sur les traits du cycle de vie et les comportements parentaux en matière de soins de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux. Anthony a travaillé sur le terrain sur de nombreuses espèces, pendant plusieurs saisons, notamment les hirondelles bicolores, les mésanges à tête noire et des charognards. Il aime être à l'extérieur pour mener des recherches. Basé à Yellowknife, Anthony est heureux d’apporter sa contribution à l'amélioration de la protection et de la santé des pollinisateurs!

Adèle Grenouilleau


Adèle is a project coordinator for Pollinator Partnership Canada and Bee City Canada. She has been interested in pollinators since an early age due to an insatiable curiosity about nature. After completing a master's degree in political science at Université du Québec à Montréal, Adèle specialized in wildlife conservation. Her final research paper explored how wildlife species are put on the international political agenda, with a focus on bees. As a native French speaker, she is responsible for translating documents for P2C and Bee City Canada. Adèle is excited to work and learn from the amazing team at Pollinator Partnership Canada!

Samantha Medeiros


Samm is passionate about increasing human relationships with the land. She believes that when we develop deep respect and care for non-human organisms, a responsibility to steward the land becomes part of all that we do—informing our actions and decision making. Her focus in environmental stewardship began by creating mixed media art from waste materials, eventually leading to the study of Indigenous Environmental perspectives and practices, public education, community-building, and looking at behavioural change. Informed and guided by these foundations, Samm found herself working to support pollinators through habitat creation and stewardship when realizing that limited perspectives of "waste/d space" needed a change. Nothing is wasted in nature. Spaces that humans deem underutilized are used by other living things. Samm has done work in various types of garden spaces for several years. She uses outreach, education, and when possible, art/play to share sustainable perspectives on working with the Earth, not against. Using found materials and what is on hand to be creative, and celebrating the unnoticed and unseen elements of urban natural spaces are some of her favourite past times.

Adrienne Marandiuk


Adrienne works as the Grants & Program Manager for Pollinator Partnership Canada. She holds a BSc in Animal Biology, and an MSc in Animal Behaviour and Welfare from the University of Guelph. She has also earned an Associate Certificate in Nonprofit Management from BCIT. Historically most of her work has been focused on non-profit organizations, and she has had the pleasure of working with many species including traditional companion animals, farm animals, wildlife populations, and more exotic or uncommon ones, such as cheetahs, native bees, and other pollinators. She is also a mom of two wonderful children, and a hobby beekeeper.

Adrienne is very passionate about advancing the welfare of all species and hopes to be able to contribute and advance Pollinator Partnership Canada’s mission and vision in a very meaningful way.

Jordan Phelps


Jordan Phelps is the Bee City Program Coordinator for Pollinator Partnership Canada. His passion for pollinators was sparked as an undergraduate at Western University where he studied animal cognition and learned about the incredible feats of learning and memory that bees and other small-brained but mentally mighty pollinators are capable of. He went on to complete an MSc at Western in neuroscience where he studied how exposure to common pesticides impacts the ability of bumblebees to learn about and gather food from flowers. This experience launched a lifelong interest in pollinators – not only for the good of our food crops and the ecosystem, but also because they are fascinating creatures to watch and learn from. Jordan is delighted to bring this passion to Bee City Canada, where he works with municipalities, Indigenous communities, campuses, schools and businesses to make meaningful change for pollinators.


Bob Wildfong, Ph.D.


Bob has been saving seeds and teaching about garden biodiversity for over 25 years. He mixes science and storytelling to reveal the secret lives of seeds, plants, and pollinators. Bob has been a member of Seeds of Diversity since 1988, and became our first Executive Director in 2002, after a career in software engineering. He teaches food history at the Waterloo Region Museum, and as a steering committee member of the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign, helps build the movement to preserve pollinators. He is a past President of the Culinary Historians of Canada, and delights in explaining how we can learn about future food sustainability by remembering past lessons.

Lorne Widmer

Lorne Widmer has been passionate about pollinators and their habitats - both personally and professionally - for many years. Prior to retiring from the Ontario public service, Lorne played a key role in province-wide public consultations on Ontario's Pollinator Health Strategy, and later in drafting and implementing the provincial Pollinator Health Action Plan. Lorne has served on the board of Pollination Guelph since its founding in 2008. With PG, he supports various habitat projects - including the Gosling Pollinator Garden at Hospice Wellington; advocates at the local level for pollinator habitat; and, serves as Treasurer. He also served on the board of Bee City Canada, prior to its move to P2C.

While working for government in various roles, Lorne learned the importance of strong public policy and the role of advocacy to help promote positive changes in society and the environment. This certainly holds true for pollinators.

Lorne and his wife maintain a diverse garden at their home in Guelph, Ontario that is planted to provide ample resources for pollinators - and numerous other taxa. One of his great delights is spotting a Giant Swallowtail nectaring on Ironweed late in the summer.

Gerry McKenna

Gerry McKenna retired in 2020 from an exciting and productive 35 years with Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Gerry’s experiences at OPG providing environmental expertise were wide-ranging, but primarily focused on developing and implementing biodiversity and wildlife habitat programs across OPG’s operations. These programs have received numerous awards and nominations, from municipal to international, and many of OPG’s site programs are certified Gold by the Wildlife Habitat Council.

Early on, Gerry recognized the importance of using corporate lands for wildlife, including the opportunity to implement pollinator-focused projects as an alternative to traditional land management practices. In recent years, OPG’s engagement with Pollinator Partnership has accelerated these programs across the OPG’s provincial operations, creating habitat for pollinators, advancing employee participation, and building community relationships.

As the manager for OPG’s corporate biodiversity and climate change section, Gerry’s oversight of OPG’s regional biodiversity program established partnerships with conservation organizations for regional-scale projects that included wetlands, woodlands, grasslands, and lakes and rivers. Recognizing that biodiversity and climate change are truly a single issue, Gerry promoted the value of nature-based solutions for resiliency and carbon mitigation that are now a centrepiece of OPG’s Climate Action Plan.

Gerry lives in Courtice, Ontario with his wife, Elizabeth Morrison and dog, Annie. In addition to tending his pollinator gardens, he continues to volunteer his time in local conservation projects and is a member of the Willow Beach Field Naturalists and a Science Advisor on the Joint Working Group – Wesleyville.

Kelly Rourke

Kelly Rourke has been dedicated to pollinator conservation for over 7 years. Her focus is on large-scale habitat projects, plant-pollinator interactions, and agricultural and industry engagement. Kelly holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in Anthropology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has also received a Master’s of Science in Environmental Management (Ecology Concentration) from the University of San Francisco. Her background in ecology, conservation, and culture has propelled her career in the non-profit sector. Prior to Pollinator Partnership (P2), Kelly worked at another bay area-based environmental non-profit called Conservacion Patagonica (CP). Kelly manages the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), National Pollinator Week,, and pollinator grants and scholarships. Kelly serves on the Board of Directors of Pollinator Partnership Canada, the Advisory Committee of the Monarch Joint Venture, and the Steering Committee for PlantAgents.

Terry Witzel

Terry Witzel’s career has focused on agriculture, food processing and food distribution. He is also interested in promoting sustainable food systems and serves as a member of the San Mateo County Food System Alliance. Additionally, Terry serves on the Agricultural Advisory Council for the California State Fair. He joined the Pollinator Partnership because of its emphasis on the global and economic importance of pollinators in food crop production. Most recently, Terry managed food solicitation and procurement for both a regional and a local food bank until his retirement in 2011. Previously, he managed the California office of American Farmland Trust, working to protect productive farmland for future generations. He began his career with the largest U.S. farmer-owned cooperative processor of private label canned fruits and vegetables and rose to the position of Vice President of Corporate Relations. Terry earned a B.S. in Agricultural Education from the University of California at Davis and an M.B.A. in Business Management from San Jose State University.